Parents » Securly Home for Parents

Securly Home for Parents

We feel extremely fortunate to be able to offer students the opportunity to have their own school-issued Chromebook.  This has been a great instructional tool to our classroom, both virtual and in-person.  While we never want to repeat the events of Spring 2020, we feel much more prepared should we do so.  Some of you have experienced virtual quarantines and have seen firsthand the value and convenience of having a device already issued.

Technology is a great thing! But like most things, there are potential downsides, as well.  While we want to equip students in an ever-changing world, we also want them to be safe.  We want to make you aware of an application that will help you monitor your student’s digital footprint.  This app will allow you to view every website your child visits, see what they search, and also allow you to set “bedtime limits” for their access to be shut off through the school device.

To set you up, we need an email address for you. To get us this information, please contact the campus secretary when your child attends school. The app is called Securly Home. Below are some FAQs about the app.